Story About What We Do

CLAN Midland is committed to providing services and programs to help children and families thrive in safe, nurturing and connected communities.

We also have a strong focus on facilitating community development and capacity building initiatives. Our service delivery area includes the City of Swan and surrounding areas.

Our Vision

Children and families thriving in safe, nurturing and connected communities

Our Purpose

To develop and deliver services that empower children and families to thrive
To facilitate community development and capacity building initiatives

Guiding Principles

Using and building community and family strengths
Taking a partnership approach throughout the organisation
The wellbeing of the child is central
Become A Volunteer
Become A Volunteer

Volunteer to help support families in need.

Become a Sponsor
Become a Sponsor

Join our community and sponsor our cause.

Make a Donation
Make a Donation

Make a donation to help expand our outreach.

Join The Community
Join The Community

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CLAN Programs


Donate To Our Cause

Our Mission is to build upon the strengths of families with children 0-18 years, to ensure their continued connection with the community.

Working with families we hope to empower them and provide them with opportunities to learn new skills. Donate today to help us achieve this goal!

Become a Volunteer

Join us to help create better opportunities for young families.